International Double/Dual Degree Programmes


International Education Programmes are degree programmes jointly conducted by a university in Türkiye and a university from abroad. A student who successfully completes the programme can receive two separate diplomas, one from each university. Alternatively, if the protocol signed between the institutions stipulates the issuance of a single diploma, the student may receive one joint diploma. Students of Dual Diploma Programs receive outstanding and qualified education from distinguished academic staff of both universities.

a. A single diploma issued by two or more higher education institutions at the end of a joint educational programme (joint degree),
b. Multiple diplomas issued by two or more institutions, which are connected (dual degree),
c. Multiple diplomas issued by independent institutions (double degree).

In accordance with “REGULATION ON JOINT EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS BETWEEN TURKISH HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS ABROAD”, the principles to be considered during the preparation of protocols for dual degree programmes (joint programmes) by higher education institutions have been outlined.

For more information:

Lecturer Emel AKTAŞ

Responsible of International Double/Dual Degree Programmes

Akdeniz University, International Relations Office

Rectorate, 6th floor,

Dumlupınar Boulevard 07058 Campus

Antalya, TURKEY

Phone: +90 242 310 1641


Eklenme tarihi :18.03.2025 11:47:06
Son güncelleme : 18.03.2025 11:47:06